Big Sister!

Big Sister!

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

37 weeks

I had my 37th week OB visit today. I was so excited because Lillie was able to join me. She had not been able to go all winter due to the Swine Flu epidemic. Lillie enjoyed finding out all the things that the nurses and doctors do to make sure the baby is doing well.

I am now dialated 2.5 cm and 50% effaced. The doctors say it still does not mean I would not go the entire 40 weeks but that my body will have alot less work to do during labor.

I had to have an internal exam obviously and Lillie was in the room for it. I was covered and had her up at my head but she now beleives that the doctor was able to peek in on baby. She wants to know when she can take a look and see how he is doing. I expalined that the doctor could not see the baby but it is so cute that she thought that.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

9 Months Pregnant!

I am officially 9 months pregnant today. I had my OB visit this morning. I am 2cm dialated and the baby has turned in the head down position. The doctor said I was not thinned out though so we still have a little more of a wait. I have been having so much hip pain that the doctor did say we could induce labor in the 39th week if I have not already gone into labor. That sounded like a good idea to me because I am a planner, however if I go earlier on my own that would be great. We are still not done the nursery. I have been working on a cross stitch project and that has been consuming most of my free time. I am hoping to finish it in the next few days so I can get focused on finishing up some other getting my suitcase ready!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sibling preperation Class

Today Lillie was able to participate in a sibling preperation class. It was an awesome class for her to be able to take. She was able to talk all about being a big sister with other kids her age. They read a great book all about what to expect with a new baby in the house, received a fun coloring book about babies, watched a video about what moms and dads need to do to care for the new baby and how they can help, and received a tour of the maternity ward. Lillie's class was even lucky enough to meet a newborn baby at the hospital named Christian and see just how tiny he was and his umbiblical cord. Then the last thing the kids did was practice holding a pretend newborn baby the proper way. We were glad Lillie had a chance to see the hospital and the room so it will not be a conplete shock on D-day! She did great.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Speaking at MOPS

Today I had an amazing morning. I finally had a chance to do a speaking engagement in regards to my book. I have been looking for the chance to share my life story and there could be no better place than with a group of fellow moms. I had a chance to share my story but more than that the chance to share about Christ in my life. It really does make a difference when you allow him in to guide and direct you. It was not easy talking about the death of my son, it was 20 years ago this month when he passed. Being pregnant certainly brings up some of the more painful memeories of that experience. It is because of that though that I am the mother, wife and child of God that I am and if I could change it.....I would not! Thank you MOPS for letting me share with you all today.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Baby's Pictures at 20 Weeks

We first saw our baby back in October but there was not much to see other than some fuzzy grey mass. In January we had our 20 week ultrasound where we discovered our baby was perfect but also beleived to be a boy. The first picture is a side profile of his face and the second picture is what they say is the proof that he is a he! The little arrow in the picture is pointing to his penis. I still never beleive what the people say till I see for myself but I have to admit I only have boys clothes in the closet right now.