Big Sister!

Big Sister!

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I lost my front tooth!

I lost my bottom tooth!

Noah is 5 months old

Lost Teeth!

Grandparents Day At School
Well it's been a few days since I wrote and a lot has happened. For one Noah is 5 months old today. I can barely belive it. I feel like we waited forever for him to get here and now the days are just zooming by us. He is starting to sit pretty well while propped up. He tends to eventually fall over but continues to stay up longer each day!

Lillie has 4 loose teeth and wants them to come out. Finally they are. Sunday Lillie was snacking on a crouton when her bottom tooth loosened enough that a little tug from me removed it. She did not want to save it for the tooth fairy yet though so she could show her friends at school Monday. Monday she took her one tooth to school and came home with two teeth. Her top tooth came loose so she has her teachers assistant pull it out. That one was not as loose but she wanted to loose at least one while at school. You see if you loose a tooth at school you get a popsicle! Thats all the motivation Lillie needs to allow someone to pull her tooth out!

Today Lillie is going for her 6 month cleaning. Last time they were not able to clean her teeth because she fought them. She does not want to go or have her teeth cleaned but she is excited to have two teeth to show them. Who knows when I pick her up it could be 3. I pray they can clean her teeth because she really needs it done.

Some great news is that the feeding eval we had set for late November is now tomorrow. Lillie was moved up on the waitlist. We are glad to finally have this looked at better. We have implemented a program here the last month that has been working well but we still need alot of help. We hope to get more direction and ideas tomorrow.

Last night Lillie participated in the annual Royersford Halloween Parade. She had so much fun running around and handing out candy to the kids. This weekend of course is Halloween and she is so excited to go out and get some treats. Next weekend is the annual Sesame Street Spooktacular and it will be Noah's first time at the amusement park. We have alot ahead.

There are three sign language classes left for us to teach. It has not been easy with childcare and having everything situated but with the help of a few very special people we have managed to make it work.

Oh I almost forgot..last Friday was grandparents day at Lillie's school. I went with Noah to serve snacks to everyone. Lillie loves showing all her artwork and teachers etc. This year pop-pop and Ms. Dottie joined her for the morning. It is so wonderful to see her able to spend that special time with them.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Scary School Days

Today was a scary day for me as a mom. You know we all have them. Sometimes its when the toothpaste is all over the sink, or something spilled and no matter how hard you try your just not sure what it is, but then there are the real scares. Today Lillie's school went into lock-down. It turns out it was not a big deal but as it was happening it was scary because she was in the school and I was not. It is a time when you really feel completely helpless....unless you can place your faith and trust in God. Here is the police news report.

I talked with Lillie after school and she said that all the kids had to hide under their desk to protect their heads but she was glad it was just a "practice drill" and not the real thing. The kids had no idea it was the real thing. When i was in school no such things occured. What a different world we live in.

Lillie went to the doctor today because her ear has been hurting her and she has been stuffy. She has a little fluid in her ear and needs some drops but otherwise she is ok. She is looking forward to Grandparents Day at school and so am I. I get to help out this year and serve all the granparents some snacks that I made. It will be nice and Noah will get to join me and visit with them as well.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Fall

Is it Christmas time already?
Lillie in the mouth of a dino!
Noah Tries his cereal for the first time

Lillie with her buddies Phineas and Ferb

Mommy and Lillie on a hayride

Noah pushes up in his new outfit

My favorite time of year is finally upon us. I love the crisp air, beautiful leaves, and all the fun activities. We went on our first hayride of the season. Dave and I used to go on super scary rides and walk thru haunted houses. I miss doing that but look forawrd to doing them again soon. For now daytime rides and apple cider are enjoyed.

Noah has started eatting his cereal and he loves it. I was curious to see how he would respond. He gets so excied when I put him in his chair and he knows what time it is. He tries to take the spoon and feed himself the best he can. He acts as though he is famished. I am so glad he likes the food! He is also able to not only flip over well now but also push up on his knees and wrist. He is pretty strong.

Thursday Lillie had her first field trip of first grade. She went with Dave and her class to the museum of natural sciences in Philadelphia. She was able to see lots of things even a dino! They had a great day together and learned so much.

Lillie wad awarded the "Fruit Of The Spirit Award" at school on Friday. There are 9 fruits and I think Lillie received two last and self-control. This was special because she was awared for "all" the fruits! Dave and I love that she shows so many biblical character traits and is recognized for it. She shines her light on others and in such a dark world every little light makes a difference.

Boy or Girl? Ok, so I know Noah has some pretty long eyelashes and I know he is pretty as most call him, but I did not think he looked like a girl. I think in the last week 6 people asked me how old my little girl was or said how cute she is. I have many yellow and green clothes but not so many boy colors. Aunt Christine took Noah and Lillie shopping for some clothes and Noah has a new red and a grey outfit so maybe now people will realize he is all boy, haha.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Doctors Visit Old School Style

Yesterday was Noah's 4 month well check. I was so excited to see what our little guy would weigh in at. When we walked into the doctors office the enetire place was dark. The power had gone out and the generator had not kicked in yet. The individual rooms were too dark since they have no windows so we had to go into the office's kitchen!

Noah received his exam on top of the kitchen table. Something I am sure he will enjoy telling his kids one day. Anyway he looks great. He is 26" long which is nice and tall 90%. He weighed in at 13.12 The doctor said that it is an ok weight and he did gain more than a pound since his last visit but it did make me feel my initial concern that he may not be getting enough to eat could be accurate. He is healthy and received his shots after a bit of convincing on the docs part since we had some concerns. I think we will try a little formula just at night to see if it helps Noah to sleep any more than he does now. We can also start him on some cereal which I bought today. We are going to do oatmeal firs instead of the traditional rice and see how he does.