Big Sister!

Big Sister!

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One Month Check-Up

Today Lillie and I took Noah for his one month check-up. He is actually 5 weeks old today. WOW! He grew so much. He weighed in at 10.4 pounds and was 22 1/2" long. It was so exciting to see how well he is doing. He did have to receive a shot as well. That was always so heartbreaking for us when we would take Lillie. Noah was already crying before the shot so then it did not seem as traumatic.

Noah has been doing well for the most part. He does love nursing though and would prefer to do that above just about anything else. He nurses till he is alseep and then wakes to nurse again. Occasionally I can put him in the swing or pack n play but not for too long. I had gone to the doctor last week because they thought maybe he was not getting enough milk and was just super hungry. As you can see with his weight gain he is getting plenty of milk. THey beleive he is soothing himself and may have reflux. Lillie had reflux and it was severe. Noah was not really showing any signs of reflux but we decided to go ahead with the medicine since Lillie and I both have it. In the past week Noah has started to have high levels of spit up and back arching. The doctor today increased his dose to 3x per day and if in another week things are not beter we will try another medcation.

It can be tough to nurse for an hour and then an hour later have your baby ready to go again. Being a stay at home mom it would not be too rough but Lillie wants to play and needs my attention and thats where things get complicated. I have tried to not nurse as often but Noah has cried as long as three hours when I have tried other soothing methods. I can't stand to leave him cry so long. Lillie has days where her tolerance is higher and I pray that she will continue to have patience and understanding.

Noah has begun to smile which is always so amazing to see in children. I love to cuddle him and nuzzle his head in the crook of my neck. Lillie gives him hugs and kisses all day. Dave makes sure when he comes home that Lillie gets all his attention first and then he comes to see Noah and me. He is doing a great job at allowing Lillie to be the center of his world at the moment which is what she needs.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer is here!

I can't beleive Lillie has already been done school for an entire week. Even harder to beleive is I survived it! I was not sure how it would go. At school she has lots of friends and interactions. AT home it is just the two of us for the most part and now Noah has joined us. It is a huge transition with a new comer at home and then to be done school as well is alot for a 6 year old.

Lillie did great last Thursday during her school graduation. She sang up front with her class and she graduated. Lillie is officially a first grader. Dave and I still can not beleive how fast time has been moving and how fast Lillie has grown. She is a beautiful little girl that constantly amazes us with her talents, creativity and love of God.

Noah has been doing great. He sleeps alot. We forgot just how much babies sleep. He wakes every 2-3 hours to be fed and then back off to napping. He has the most adorable eyes that take me away when I feel stressed or worried from the daily grind. He also loves to snuzzle up in the crook of my neck and at that moment I feel as if he and I have a bond that is unshakeable. Amazing how that love just comes out if us with no effort. I remebr when Lillie and I would snuggle like that. The other day I went to pick her up and could not beleive she is a full size little person.....not a baby but a girl. When your baby is the baby you do not realize sometimes how much they have grown but then when another baby comes along you see just how much they are no longer a baby.

With Lillie being home all day and us having Noah the summer could be a bit tough. Next week Lillie signed up for a week of vacation bible school. She also goes to another in July. I also plan on sending her for a week of camp at her school. This will giver her an opportunity to play with other kids, have a break from me and Noah and have lots of fun!

Dave continues to work two jobs. It has not been easy for any of us. He is so tired and barely can find time to cut the grass. Lillie and I miss him not being home on Tuesday and Thursday and especially now with her being done school. Dave does tire of such a schedule but continues to persevere wanting the best for us. Hopefully he will take a day or two off this summer to spend a day together doing anything.

We are excited about Sunday because Dave has off for Father's Day. Lillie wants to bake him a chocolate cake and bring him donuts in bed. It seems no matter what I do it is never enough to show him just how much we all love and appreciate him. Each year I think of ways to tell him but the next year I find myself still lacking in acheivement. Dave is so humble though and never ask or desires for anything. Simple to please but for those wanting to give it can be a challenge.

Yesterday Lillie fell off the monkey bars wich was devastating. She has been trying to master them and finally mustered up some confidence to really give it a try. She missed the bar and fell right on her face. I took her to the docs today. He said her chin though swollen is fine, her lip that she bit in three places is fine, but she did tear her muscle in her back. She will be fine but her confidence has been soiled. She said she will never do the bars again. With her this is a possibility but we are hoping to overcome the fear this summer. So lots at hand for us right now. We take it a day at a time because that is all God has given us. Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is yet to come, but today is the present...a special gift!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Life with a newborn has quickly gone into full swing. I have to admit that Noah is a very easy going baby thus far. He is content to nurse as long as I will let him. He enjoys his swing and cuddling. He wakes during the night for feedings but then goes back to sleep rather fast.

Lillie has been struggling alot in her new role as big sister. She wants to touch and hold the baby constantly but to the point that it makes Noah cry and gives mom some anxiety. It is difficult to find the balance between allowing her some freedom to interact without pushing limits and for us to allow it and refrain from saying "no" but still protect Noah when needed.

Sunday was Lillie's dance recital. She has practiced for months. We had tickets and her costume. She refused to wear the stockings required for the show. We tried for over an hour. Lillie had a complete meltdown. She said we did not want her and were mean parents. Wow, those words were hard to hear. Our hearts ached for her. She did not perform in the recital but wanted to see it. She enjoyed the show and did not seem to disappointed to not be in it. I have to admit it was hard to watch without her in it.

So a newborn does not seem so complex now but a 6 year old does!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome Home Noah!

We have been home for a few days now. We are learning to adjust to a new schedule. Lillie is learning how to handle a baby. It is a bit trickier than I anticipated it would be. She is so gentle and we assumed there would not be a concern. She is gentle with Noah but really wanting to take charge of where he looks by turning his head for him, and helping him get his pacifier in his mouth even if he does not want it. It is a process and I am sure with time she will learn how to be involved but in a way that suits everyone.

Noah has already been to the doctor twice. He went on Saturday for his first well check but only weighed in at 7ibs 4 oz, so we had to go back today for another weight check. He is now up 7 ounces and the doctor was very pleased. He has been sleeping pretty well and feeding very often.