Big Sister!

Big Sister!

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Week

Wow! Can you beleive Christmas is just days away? This year has been moving way too fast for me. I feel like I am not able to keep up with things lately. I used to be so organized and up to par but lately I have been slipping in so many ways. Life has been hard lately, actually thats an has been unbearable. I seem to keep bearing it though. Each day I lean more about the past and keep uncovering and unraveling the things in life I thought I knew only to find I was in complete darkness. I would never wish anyone to be here in my shoes because it is difficult. I think it is like being in the ocean and your having fun in the waves till one pulls you under, you gasp for air and try to get back to the surface but no matter how hard you try your being pulled down farther. I am trying to get back up and am gasping for air. I have not given up. I have been learning alot about God these past few weeks. I knew alot about God or so I thought anyway. I know lots of stories about God etc but I am now just learning how to cultivate a relationship. I learned alot about this rom Lillie's school play. She did a great job in it too! God does bring storms to us but we need the water to grow. There would not be much point in sewing the seeds if we never watered them. Of course we must weed and watch for the crows or the crops can be destroyed. What a powerful leasson to learn. I guess God knew i did not have a handle or that and needed a new avenue to learn more. If you ever heed any advice I would share it would be to learn all you can about God...his love and his power with free will because if you don't he will find ways to help you get there and the lesson may be tough. Its so much better to take the first initiative.

This weekend was fun. We took the kids to Christmas Village. Lillie beleives this is the real North Pole. She did great with Santa this year. She only asked him for one thing and that was a set of blocks for her brother. She made her own list the other night but she told me the thing she wants most this year Santa would never be able to give. I asked her what it was. She said that she wanted daddy to get out of his big sin, for mommy to learn to forgive and for us to be able to kiss under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. Wow! She can see so much can't she? Well i told her she was right that Santa could not fill her request but I told her that God could, so we prayed to him that night and asked for just that.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Wow, can yo beleive Christmas is almost here? I have so much to do and so little time. I honestly use to be so on the ball with this stuff but each year it seems I fall a little shorter than the year before. Fortunately I still seem to manage well enough that no one really notices.

Lillie has her big play at school this weekend. Sh ehas been practicing for months now and is so excited but also nervous. She does three shows so we hope ater the first she still wants to do the other two....especially since her family is coming ot the second show.

I know many of you were concerned after reading my prior post. I am not going to get into the details and messyness of my life right now. Just know that I have Gods grace and love. Things are so not easy for me right now. I have been betrayed in my marriage and this is the second time. It is not easy. I have a broken heart and lots and lots of fears. I can honestly tell you though that I know this was not my fault! I can also tell you that the man that did this is not the man I am married to today. I just leanred this but it was a past offense. New to me, yes; but dead to him. I have a broken heart but God can do wonders with the puzzle if I am willing to give him all the pieces. That is where I am today and I need to be able to give them all to him. I am still looking at some of the pieces and trying to figure out the picture and make sense of it, but does it even really matter? I will be ok:) It will take me time though.

Keep me and my family in your prayers. Prayers for re-building, openess and honesty and most of all for Gods grace to shine on us all!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Down and Out

So I am sure many of you have noticed I have been writing less these days. Its not that I don't want to rather I am having trouble focusing. Did you ever have something really bad happen to you in your life? Your glad when it's over and then you think maybe you will never experience anything like it again? You already had your share of pain and as much as God knew you could bare? I thought that too until the day before Thanksgiving. I will not enlighten you of the details because you are better off not knowing. What I can say is that one of my biggest fears has come true and I am now broken. I have God's grace and am sure to be restored but not sure where to go from here. I have a long road ahead and nothing will be easy. Please keep me in your prayers and hearts and forgive me if I am just not with it these days.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Weekend To Remember

I know many of you have already heard about A Weekend To Remember but for thos eof you who have not it is a weekend getaway for couples to learn about marriage ect. Dave and I were able to go this past weekend. We did not spend the night and we had to come home during the day to nurse Noah but it was so worth it. We had an amazing time. We learned so much more about marriage, Gods design for our lives and family, and tools to work on unresolved conflicts over the years. In our 20 years we have experienced just about everything you can imagine a marriage could...even the worst things that everyone hopes will never happen. We have always pushed through it and continued forward but have been broken in many ways. We have so much work to do to repair so much damage. We are not defeated though and this weekend has shown us the love and grace of the Lord that will allow us to forgive and deepen our love. We even renewed our vows which we had been wanting to do for sometime. It was amazing. If you have never gone I would defintitly suggest it!

Well we are now looking on to Thanksgiving. Lillie is so excited. She wants everyone to ocme to our house. We have a very modest size home so thats not always possible. We did however invite our parents and they all said they could come. How great is that? Dave is excited about making a turkey as he loves to cook and is so great at it. Lillie only has one more day of school and then she is off. She brought her report card home and made High Honor Roll. We are so excited that she is doing well in school and cares about her school work. In two weeks her big school play is here. She has been working so hard to get ready for it. She is not a main character but is in several songs so we are very excited for her.

I would like to wish you all a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Fast Lane

I feel like life has been moving so fast lately and I am struggling to keep up. I have not had much time to write. I have a bunch of pictures I wanted to post and my camera is giving me a hard time. Hopefully I can add them soon.

Last weekend Lillie had her final swim class. There was a swim meet and she competed in two events. She earned a certificate and plaque. She did a really nice job. Lessons start again in February.

Last Sunday was Sesame Place. I was able to ride the roller coaster which was alot of fun. Noah met several of the characters and Lillie realized for the first time its people in suits. She is growing up. We had lots of fun.

Last Thursday we completed our signing class. I was glad to be done with the hectic schedule but will miss teaching. We had really great students that were so excited to learn making our job so easy for us.

Lillie has taken the bus to school in the am twice this week. With practice for the play she was not home last night till after 5pm so it seems she is not here much lately. Starting next Wed though she has a break for the holiday which will be enjoyed by all.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Another Busy Week

Well we have completed week #7 out of our 8 sign language classes. We really enjoy teaching them but I have to admit I am ready for the break. Tuesday Lillie had another school field trip to the Camden Aquarium. This time all of us went. It was so much fun for me and Noah to go. He seemed to enjoy seeing all the colors of fish and the big sharks swimming over our heads. Lillie loved being with all her friends and watching the penguins outside. It was a busy but fun adventure. Saturday we are going to Sesame Place for the day and then Sunday Lillie has her first swim meet at the YMCA. She is leary about wearing the required swimsuit so we will see how it turns out.

Last week Lillie did finally have her feeding eval at CHOP. They gave us some pointers and said we are on the right track. They said she could do well in the inpatient program but it turns out they do not take our health insurance! They think she can continue with us at home on a special food plan and then have some out patient OT and feeding therapy on a weekly basis. We plan to set that up soon. In two weeks we are back to upont for one last visit. Lilie has a skin pigmentation problem and it is really starting to affect her self-esteem. When she was small it looked like a small birthmark on her tummy about the size of a pea by the time she was three it resembled a handprint and now at 6 it bands around her entire tummy and back. We have seen several doctors for it but no one seems to know what it is or what to do about it. We now are going to the cream of the crop in hopes to get some answers. We were told it could be Vitiligo which is an auto-immune problem usually caused by a vitamin deficiancy. Hopefully we can get some answers this time.

Noah is doing great. He has been working on sitting up but still falls forward. He is babbling all the time and of course always smiling!

Monday, November 1, 2010


On some days it seemed like Halloween would never come. Lillie was so excited to go get some candy. Noah had his first and dressed up as did Lillie. We went out for just an hour because Lillie and Dave were freezing. It was alot of fun though and we had a great evening.

Fall Fun

We had a great weekend. Saturday morning we went to Otts in Collegeville. Lillie loved exploring the tunnels and flowers. She also picked out a couple of pumpkins to carve. The flowers were amazing to see and Noah seemed to like the rainbow of colors.
Saturday night we went to a 45th wedding anniversary party. It was so nice to partake in a celebration that not many people have. I was inspired by their love story. Lillie got all dressed up and of course her daddy had the first dance. Lillie quickly was asked to dance by a couple of different boys. Daddy's heart dropped to the floor. Lillie enjoyed dancing but she also got behind the line and helped serve up beverages to several guest.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I lost my front tooth!

I lost my bottom tooth!

Noah is 5 months old

Lost Teeth!

Grandparents Day At School
Well it's been a few days since I wrote and a lot has happened. For one Noah is 5 months old today. I can barely belive it. I feel like we waited forever for him to get here and now the days are just zooming by us. He is starting to sit pretty well while propped up. He tends to eventually fall over but continues to stay up longer each day!

Lillie has 4 loose teeth and wants them to come out. Finally they are. Sunday Lillie was snacking on a crouton when her bottom tooth loosened enough that a little tug from me removed it. She did not want to save it for the tooth fairy yet though so she could show her friends at school Monday. Monday she took her one tooth to school and came home with two teeth. Her top tooth came loose so she has her teachers assistant pull it out. That one was not as loose but she wanted to loose at least one while at school. You see if you loose a tooth at school you get a popsicle! Thats all the motivation Lillie needs to allow someone to pull her tooth out!

Today Lillie is going for her 6 month cleaning. Last time they were not able to clean her teeth because she fought them. She does not want to go or have her teeth cleaned but she is excited to have two teeth to show them. Who knows when I pick her up it could be 3. I pray they can clean her teeth because she really needs it done.

Some great news is that the feeding eval we had set for late November is now tomorrow. Lillie was moved up on the waitlist. We are glad to finally have this looked at better. We have implemented a program here the last month that has been working well but we still need alot of help. We hope to get more direction and ideas tomorrow.

Last night Lillie participated in the annual Royersford Halloween Parade. She had so much fun running around and handing out candy to the kids. This weekend of course is Halloween and she is so excited to go out and get some treats. Next weekend is the annual Sesame Street Spooktacular and it will be Noah's first time at the amusement park. We have alot ahead.

There are three sign language classes left for us to teach. It has not been easy with childcare and having everything situated but with the help of a few very special people we have managed to make it work.

Oh I almost forgot..last Friday was grandparents day at Lillie's school. I went with Noah to serve snacks to everyone. Lillie loves showing all her artwork and teachers etc. This year pop-pop and Ms. Dottie joined her for the morning. It is so wonderful to see her able to spend that special time with them.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Scary School Days

Today was a scary day for me as a mom. You know we all have them. Sometimes its when the toothpaste is all over the sink, or something spilled and no matter how hard you try your just not sure what it is, but then there are the real scares. Today Lillie's school went into lock-down. It turns out it was not a big deal but as it was happening it was scary because she was in the school and I was not. It is a time when you really feel completely helpless....unless you can place your faith and trust in God. Here is the police news report.

I talked with Lillie after school and she said that all the kids had to hide under their desk to protect their heads but she was glad it was just a "practice drill" and not the real thing. The kids had no idea it was the real thing. When i was in school no such things occured. What a different world we live in.

Lillie went to the doctor today because her ear has been hurting her and she has been stuffy. She has a little fluid in her ear and needs some drops but otherwise she is ok. She is looking forward to Grandparents Day at school and so am I. I get to help out this year and serve all the granparents some snacks that I made. It will be nice and Noah will get to join me and visit with them as well.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Fall

Is it Christmas time already?
Lillie in the mouth of a dino!
Noah Tries his cereal for the first time

Lillie with her buddies Phineas and Ferb

Mommy and Lillie on a hayride

Noah pushes up in his new outfit

My favorite time of year is finally upon us. I love the crisp air, beautiful leaves, and all the fun activities. We went on our first hayride of the season. Dave and I used to go on super scary rides and walk thru haunted houses. I miss doing that but look forawrd to doing them again soon. For now daytime rides and apple cider are enjoyed.

Noah has started eatting his cereal and he loves it. I was curious to see how he would respond. He gets so excied when I put him in his chair and he knows what time it is. He tries to take the spoon and feed himself the best he can. He acts as though he is famished. I am so glad he likes the food! He is also able to not only flip over well now but also push up on his knees and wrist. He is pretty strong.

Thursday Lillie had her first field trip of first grade. She went with Dave and her class to the museum of natural sciences in Philadelphia. She was able to see lots of things even a dino! They had a great day together and learned so much.

Lillie wad awarded the "Fruit Of The Spirit Award" at school on Friday. There are 9 fruits and I think Lillie received two last and self-control. This was special because she was awared for "all" the fruits! Dave and I love that she shows so many biblical character traits and is recognized for it. She shines her light on others and in such a dark world every little light makes a difference.

Boy or Girl? Ok, so I know Noah has some pretty long eyelashes and I know he is pretty as most call him, but I did not think he looked like a girl. I think in the last week 6 people asked me how old my little girl was or said how cute she is. I have many yellow and green clothes but not so many boy colors. Aunt Christine took Noah and Lillie shopping for some clothes and Noah has a new red and a grey outfit so maybe now people will realize he is all boy, haha.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Doctors Visit Old School Style

Yesterday was Noah's 4 month well check. I was so excited to see what our little guy would weigh in at. When we walked into the doctors office the enetire place was dark. The power had gone out and the generator had not kicked in yet. The individual rooms were too dark since they have no windows so we had to go into the office's kitchen!

Noah received his exam on top of the kitchen table. Something I am sure he will enjoy telling his kids one day. Anyway he looks great. He is 26" long which is nice and tall 90%. He weighed in at 13.12 The doctor said that it is an ok weight and he did gain more than a pound since his last visit but it did make me feel my initial concern that he may not be getting enough to eat could be accurate. He is healthy and received his shots after a bit of convincing on the docs part since we had some concerns. I think we will try a little formula just at night to see if it helps Noah to sleep any more than he does now. We can also start him on some cereal which I bought today. We are going to do oatmeal firs instead of the traditional rice and see how he does.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lillie's in the show!

Lillie found out today that she did get a part in the play. It is called Acorn to Oaks. It looks like it will be a very fun presentation. In the past her school has done shows but nothing like this. They will have three show dates between December 10th and 11th if you want to mark it ahead of time. Lillie choose not to try for a speaking role but will be in several songs. The one she likes the most is called "The RUMOR Weed" A classic Veggietales song. She has several practice dates ahead so she is keeping very busy.

Tomorrow Noah is going for his 4 month well check. We have been concerned about getting his shots. After being so concerned that Lillie had autism and knowing the rates are so much higher for boys it is definitly on our minds. Noah has a runny nose right now too so it may just not be the right time. I am excited to see how much he weighs. I have been struggling with nursing. I had breast surgery after a lump was found two years ago. I was told it would not compromise nursing but I am only making about 5% of my milk from that breast. I question at times if Noah is getting enough. Well his weight will tell us alot. He also may be ready to start some cereal which will help things. He does not sleep at night and boy am I tired. I think he may just be too hungry but I can't be sure. I will let you all know soon how we make out tomorrow.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Noah's Portraits

On Tuesday we took Noah to have his pictures taken at Sears. He did a great job posing for the photographer. We had no worries about getting him to smile. If you would like to take a look click this link

Life has been a bit more hectic than usual. Tonight Dave and I are running another 8 week sign language class at Own J Roberts High. Its so much fun and we both love teaching its just that I am not feeling ready to have a babysitter. I guess I will be ready though in a couple of short hours.

Lillie is now doing swimming, Awana and girl scouts and today may decide to audition for a part in her school Christmas musical (she was undecided this morning). Dave is still working alot, I am currently involved in two moms groups and now offered to also be the class mom at Lillie's school. and now we are teaching the signing class.

I often feel overwhelmed but I like to keep busy because a idle mind is the devils playground. Being busy occupies my time and then I do not sit and ponder over things.

I am looking forward to seeing how Lillie makes out if she does audition. I am sure she would do great as a dramatic actess! So check out Noah's photos if you have time they are very cute.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Girl Scout's

We took Lillie ot her very first Girl Scout meeting yesterday. Lillie was not sure if she wanted to go but decided to give it a try. Several of her freinds from school were there making it easy for Lillie to settle in. She made some cool crafts and learned the Girl Scout motto. She told us she liked it and wants to join. She is what they call a Daisy. She will get a vest to show her badges etc in a couple of weeks. She will look so cute. Just to prepare you. Lillie will be selling GS cookies sometime in January!

Lillie already belongs to a club like girl scouts called Awana. It is run at our church on Sunday nights. She does games, stories, crafts etc. There she also has a vest and receives merit badges and such but it is all based on her bible memorization. She did an amazing job last year and won many awards so she is already geared up to start her third year with the group. Each year they have a pine wood derby and Lillie has won a trophy two years in a row. I'll tell you for a little girl who they feel is not very social she has a very busy schedule!

Lab Results Are In

I spoke with Lillie's doctor yesterday after all the lab test came back. I have not seen the actual numbers myself. The doctor said all the test were totally normal and we have nothing to worry about. Of course I am shocked but grateful that Lillie has no medical issues as a result of her poor eating. We still plan to pursue CHOP though to help us work on the behaviors associated with feeding in our home. We had so many great prayer warriors lifting Lillie up this entire time and God heard everyone of them. Its a great feeling to know that Lillie is so healthy

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Dave and I went for our follow up appointment today at Dupont. They do a very thorough review and for that reason I will need to briefly sum up what they said because their report is 18 pages.

Lillie scores great on all her test. Her cognitive and language score were above age for her and she only showed stress when trying to memorize and repeat back things in order such as...20,40,60,60,40,20. So this could be tough with phone number and such.

The test we did for Lillie her teacher also did and our results were very much in line with each other which is great. Lillie shows alot of struggles with social interaction. This has been a concern for years which is what prompted us to enroll her in so many activities with her peers. It still seems she has alot of struggle with being age appropriate in play and letting others direct the play. Lillie likes to be in charge!

Lillie also shows difficulty with transitions and following orders or directions when it does not go according to the plan she has already set for everyone which can lead to defiance. Lillie also shows anxiety in many ways but does not show it in any one specific way.

They told us that although many of Lillie's symptoms are autism related they would not classify her as being autistic. She does not have the language issue that is related to that disorder. She does show the sensory, feeding and social concerns.

They did suggest that Lillie be given a feeding eval to determine if a feeding clinic would be appropriate for her. We already have this set up in November at CHOP.

They feel Lillie has a generalized anxiety disorder and they do recommend that she receive therapy for it. They beleive it is related to the social situations she is in and seperation anxiety.

The main diagnosis that they came up with was disruptive defiant disorder. This is a disorder basically where kids want to be in control of situations and when they cant thay take extreme measures to get their way. I think this sounds like most kids today. However in this case it is almost like Lillie is unable to stop herself and does not pre-think it or want to do it but she feels so out of control otherwise and then it leads to the anxiety.

They are concerned about Lillie's lack of social cues and functioning with her peers which can get worse as she matures with older groups etc. They suggested a play therapy group that will teach her ways to interact and play with others in a manner more in line with kids her age.

We have a few things to look over and consider. We need some time to think about it. Also Lillie had the labs done today and her eating can contribute to defiant behavior. We need to see how those numbers play out to determine if that piece of the puzzle can answer any thing more for us.

She Did It!

Lillie had her blood test done this morning! I have to be honest and tell you it did hurt her and she did cry and scream alot, but they got the vein on the first try and they got enough to run all the required test. God shined his light and this too may now pass.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Swimming and life

Noah's first time in Exersaucer
Noah's first time in high chair

Lillie swimming with a noodle

Lillie has been in the water since she was a baby. She always loved going to the YMCA to play in the water. She always had a fear of gettimg her head wet or being splashed so she never really learned how to swim or got wet in those splash pad areas. Over the summer Lillie tried some swimming at camp and enjoyed it till she was splashed. She then decided to no longer go in the water. We have her signed up now at the YMCA for a special needs swim class. This enables her one-on-one lessons with very small goals rather than the long term one of learning to swim. Instead they will work on just getting her head wet or putting her face in the water.......or even getting splashed. She had her first lesson Saturday. At first she was reluctant to even get in the water and cried alot. Once she was in she had a great time and even swam with the boogie board which she thought was pretty cool. Way to go Lillie!

This week brings some difficult events for us. After much research and speaking with some people we discovered some blood work for Lillie could answer alot of questions for us in regards to her behaviors and eating concerns. We can look to see if she has had any metal poisoning, is deficiant in minerals or vitamins, check for allergins and look at sugars and thyroid.

We had blood work done for Lillie once two years ago. She had to go to two different labs. One stuck her four times with nothing and then the other got it on the second try. She was so upset beyond description. She does not remember all the details but knows she never wants to have it done again. Dave and I have tried our best to never have it done again but feel at this point the benefit may outweigh anything else.

We are taking her to Quest in the morning before school and plan to tell her tonight about it, so if you are reading this before do not say anything about it please. We will be honest with her and pray for the best response. If all goes well she will still make it to school and maybe even on time.

Tomorrow afternoon dave and I need to go back to Dupont for the results of her eval a month ago. We are not sure at this point what to expect but continue to pray and plan for open hearst and lots of understanding. We know no matter what they tell us Lillie is a wonderful little girl who has been enriching our lives since day one. God entrusted us with parenting her and if we do not find out as much as we can to help her we would have failed at our jobs. We never wish to make Lillie endure more than she needs and hope that after these few things Lillie will be able to breath a sigh of releif (or should I say mom and dad) and live life to the fullest!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lillie rides the bus

Lillie started asking to ride the bus last year but we just were not ready to let her. She started asking again right away this year. Of course we snuck up to the bus on the first day to meet the driver and check out the other kids on the bus and then we still had to ponder it over for two days!

Today we let Lillie ride the bus home. She was so excited that she was going to get to ride the bus and without us! We waited for her at the designated corner. When she came off the bus she was smiling so big and looked so proud of herself. Dave and I were so proud as well. What a big girl we have.

She did much better the past two days at school. She received marbles from her pricipal for doing such a great job. She has made some friends and seems to be ok.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How Sweet

Noah in his outside swing for the first time.

Lillie is telling Noah what shapes the clouds are forming.

First Day Of School

Today Lillie started first grade. Of course I questioned all summer how i would make it through and now I wonder what my hurry was. I miss her already. The morning did not go how I wished though.

Dave took the day off so we were able to both take her on her first day. When we arrived at school all the other kids were already at their desk listening to the teacher. We were on time they just started doing things already. Lillie gave us each a hug but then ran out of the class crying begging us not to leave her there. She said she would miss us and especially Noah. In the past Lillie has dealt with seperation anxiety but last year in school she was fine till the last three weeks and that was when Noah had been born. She kept saying all summer she did not want to go. I started thinking maybe homeschool was a good idea. I had that plan last year but then opted out. I hated seeing her so distressed. It got worse so the principle had to come and take Lillie so we could walk out without her following. It was not an easy situation to walk away from and not the one you want to have when leaving for the next 7 hours.

I am hoping Lillie enjoyed her day and wants to go back tomorrow. Lat year Lillie had 13 kids in her class and this year there are 23. The class looked very full.....too full. I am concerend that she may not thrive well with that many children. Dave beleives with a little time she will be fine. We continue to pray about it as we want the best for her and want her to enjoy these experiences of life. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for her:)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Last Days Of Summer

I think this was the summer of "Phineas and Ferb" at our house. In case your not aware this is a cartoon on Disney that Lillie and Dave have come to enjoy alot! I think we watch them at least once a day. With 3 Disney channels the show is on anytime of day. I even drew a picture of the characters yesterday for Lillie. I thought she could put them in her locker at school. Maybe she will come to think I am cool, haha.
Last night we went to CCS for orientation. Lillie is all set to start first grade. Last year the school let several teachers go to cut costs. There is now just one first grade class with 23 students. Lillie knows all but 2 new ones. It is a large class compared to just the 13 she had in class last year. I am a bit nervous because she easily gets lost in a crowd. I am sure God has a plan and maybe this is the year she will find her voice amongst her fellow classmates.

I can't beleive summer is at its end. Lillie's first day is Tuesday. Dave took the day off so we can share in it together. It was just a short time ago I questioned how I would survive the summer. We did it! Lillie has read lots of books and even won a prize at the library!

Next Saturday Lillie starts a swimming team at the YMCA. It is for kids with special needs. She qualified for the program due to her many struggles so far with learning to swim. They meet once per week and she has one-on-one traing. She is very excited about it and so are we.

This morning when I opened my eyes Noah was staring at me with a huge grin on his face. He just loves to smile and giggle all the time. He is so sweet and pleasant. He has not been sleeping much at night leaving me with just an hour or two of rest. He does nap during the day so Lillie and I get our time too.

Today we took Noah for a walk in his stroller. He did not need the infant seat in it. I was glad because it still makes him cry some. He loved looking up at the trees and cooing at the birds. It is such a wonderful sound.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I have still been waiting for follow up from Dupont about Lillie's evaluation. At first they said we would know everything at the appointment, then they said follow up would be within 2-3 weeks. Today is two weeks. I finally heard from them today and we go back on September 14th at 1pm. So we must wait two more weeks.

In the meantime I have all the paperwork here for Hersheys feeding program and already have an appointment for CHOP. It turns out CHOP has an outpatient program that we may be able to try right in King Of Prussia. We go the week before Thanksgiving for a two hour eval. There they will determine if an op program would work or if it indeed must be inpatient. Still hoping Dupont will shed some light on things.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Noah Gets Dedicated

The Dedication Ceremony
Our Family Before Church

Pop-Pop and Ms. Dottie with Lillie and Noah at Church

Pastor Ralph with Noah During the Dedication

Sunday was a wonderful day for us at church. Noah was dedicated. We have primised to God and our church family to raise Noah with the direction and understanding of the Lord. It is not an easy thing always in todays society but we have managed very well with Lillie with lots of help from our church and her school. I am sure Noah will learn alot from his big sister.