Big Sister!

Big Sister!

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Noah Forge Pascale

We are so excited that Noah is finally here. It seemed at 41 weeks we had been waiting for a very long time, but once it was time for him to arrive it was rather fast.

We called the hospital at 6am to confirm the induction would be done today. The nurse told us to come by 7am and the earlier the better. Lillie was thrilled to know that we were finally going to the hospital. The last few days she was disappointed to see me each day at school pick up time.

My water was ruptured at 8:06am and soon after I was dilated 5cm and 80% effaced. I immediately started to have pretty intense back labor so after a consult with anesthesia we decided it would be safe to get an epidural despite my prior back surgery.

I did not feel immediate relief from the epidural and we almost took it out because I was in alot of discomfort. Within an hour or so I found a position that decreased the pain and then we just waited to see what would be next.

The nurse checked me and said it would not be much longer. I was thinking maybe by 4pm our son would arrive. I told Dave to go out and get some lunch since he was pretty hungry and it was almost noon. He ran over to Wendys. The nurse checked me again since my contractions were only about 2 minutes apart. Dave came back just in time to eat and then hear the nurse say I was 100% and ready to push. It took about 10 minutes till he doctor came in and then she set everything up.

At 1:00 the doctor told me to start to push. The baby was already crowning so by 1:06pm he was delivered. He is beautiful and healthy. Although we always knew he was a boy I still wanted to see it to believe and they were right. He weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces and 21 inches long. Lillie was 7 pounds 14 ounces and also 21 inches. Lillie was born on Feb 26th and Noah was born on May 26th. We think it is pretty special they share the same day.

We were so confused about what we wanted to name him because Lillie, Dave and me all had different ideas. We had settled on two final names and once he was born we knew for certain he was Noah. Dave and I feel in love over the summer where we spent many days and nights at Valley Forge park. We wanted his name to reflect something special about us and having 20 years together leaving Forge to be a wonderful middle name and very unique.

Lillie was just here to meet her baby brother. She was glad he finally joined us and was so happy to meet him. She was tired from a long day and tomorrow has a field trip to the Philly Zoo so we kept her visit short. She is going to be a fabulous big sister!

I will post some pictures when I get home. I am at Paoli hospital till Friday. I can tell you that Noah has a full head of hair that is medium brown, gray eyes and very rosey skin.

I will have a quiet day tomorrow with Dave and Lillie at the zoo but intend to get some much needed rest. We want to thank everyone for their prayers, concern, empathy and support. Thank you to all who offered to help and allowed themselves to be on call. Thank you to Ms. Mary for caring for Lillie today and being so flexible with us.

God is good all the time and today went amazingly smooth for us today and I know it was God working. Praise the Lord!

Friday, May 21, 2010

40 Weeks and 2 Days!

I went back to the OB today since the induction for yesterday was cancelled. I am still not progressing any further. I had another non-stress test and everything looks great. I was hoping maybe they could squeeze me in for an induction today but they said me and the baby are way to healthy to get away with that. I am grateful for that so I did not allow myself to be too disappointed.

I have no more OB visits scheduled as they do not intend to see me anymore. I am scheduled for an induction on Wednesday morning. It is now considered medical and not elective so my chances of being canceled are now only about 10%. Of course there is still the hope that our baby will decide to come on his own between now and Wednesday.

Dave was able to work things out with his job so his vacation will officially start as soon as the baby comes or Wednesday regardless. He will work the next 4 days and then get a much needed vacation. He also had off today and was able to join me at the ob.

Hopefully the next time i write it will be to let you know our son has joined us and is healthy and doing well. In the meantime I have been doing some extra walking and enjoying time with Lillie.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today is our DUE DATE!

Today is our official due date. I can hardly believe it is finally here. Our baby however has not decided to join us just yet.

I went to the OB yesterday for a non-stress test and exam. Everything looks great.

We have scheduled an elective induction for Thursday the 20th due to my pain and the severity becoming a bit more than I feel I can bare. Since it is elective we can be taken off the schedule if other moms come to the hospital in labor or for another medical issue in regards to pregnancy. We must call tomorrow morning at 615am to confirm if we can go. If we can we should have our baby sometime tomorrow. If we are bumped then we will continue to wait. i go back to the ob Friday and then they will try and schedule for next week. As of next Wednesday it is considered a medical induction so we would have a bit more priority.

Dave was to be on vacation this week but then pushed it back since the baby was not here. He may however have to take it beginning tomorrow. if the baby then does not come till next week sometime he may almost be done his vacation. It will not give him much time with his new baby and I would need to get right back to Lillie's schedule rather fast.

We realize all theses things are working in the best way they need and according to Gods timing. It has become difficult for us to be patient and understanding so we ask for your prayers for us in that regard. We also continue to pray that the baby will come on his own so the induction is not even needed and its all in Gods timing.

Lillie is still very excited to become a big sister. She tells me each day when i leave her at school to go and have the baby. She is definitely ready to begin the next phase of life as a big sister.

Thank you for keeping us in prayer.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

39 Weeks and counting

I had my check up at the ob today. I am exactly the same as I was last week, 3cm and 50%. I had alot of pain this past week and thought several times things may progress but they never did. I am a bit dehydrated so I need to drink more and the baby has not dropped so I was told to sit on a yoga ball to help open my hips a bit more.

I am scheduled to go back to the ob next Tuesday. If the baby has not come on his own by then they will schedule the induction for Wed or Thurs no matter what. They do not want me to go much beyond the due date since the baby is now on the nerves that underwent surgery.

We ask for your prayers that the baby will come on his own within the next week and that Gods hands will allow the timing to be exactly as it needs to be. Thank you all so much for your prayers!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

38 Weeks and Counting!

I went for my 38 week ob check up this morning. I am still 50% effaced and now 3cm dialated. The doctor said since I still have alot of hip pain an induced labor would be an ok idea. She suggested I call Monday and schedule delivery for Wednesday. If any other moms come in with emergencies, active deliveries, or required c-sections then I would be cancelled and need to try for Thursday or Friday. Dave does not like the idea of inducing labor and would prefer to leave the timing in God's hands. We have till Monday to talk about it and see what we will decide. I have an appt at the doctor for next Wednesday so if we do not schedule anything I can see how things are progressing then. Please keep us in prayer that we make the best choice!